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Islamic School

ISGR Discussion Forum: Community News: Community Issues: Islamic School

Ibrahim Greer

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 08:34 pm
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem,
Asalaam Alaykum,

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I understand that there have been plans to start a new Islamic School in the near future, with greater facilities than we have had. Alhamdu lillah,this is a wonderful goal!! Yet,I am very concerned about other parts of our community that may be excluded in this great endeavor. If the goal is to have only one Islamic school in the Richmond area but it lies outside Richmond in one of the surrounding counties this would exclude families that do not possess adequate transportation and adequate finances. In other words, will the new school have a location that benefits the entire community or will it be located where only the affluent can gain access?

If one marks the location of each of Richmond's masjids on a map,then connects the dots, one will form a wheel. At the center of every wheel, there lies a hub. Is it posible to place the new Islamic School in an area that is central to all of our masjids,in other words at some point in the middle? A central location would enable all members of the community feel included in the process of Islamic education. Driving children to and from school could be partially eliminated through a shuttle service for the Southside and another for areas north of the James River. This would help many families without dependable transportation. Also, a majority of Richmond's Muslims are not what one might call affluent,in the sense that private schools are affordable and accessible for them. Having a school in the center where all levels of the community can have resonable access is vital to our sense of community and sense of oneness. Knowing that our Islamic School is at the center and heart of our current community is essential. No one should be left behind.

We all know Richmond is growing westward,but it is growing north and east as well. With a Islamic School in the center we address the needs of the entire community today. I hope we can keep ourselves focused on our immediate needs. And, Allah(swt) willing, we can plan to build even larger facilities in the surrounding localities at a later date.