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Beyond Elections

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Beyond Elections
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Ibrahim Greer

Saturday, June 16, 2001 - 10:44 pm
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem,
Asalaam Alaikum,

"Islamic countries" control the world and don't really know it or really care!? Who am I speaking of,...emasculated oil rich regimes who are subservient to the West's blood money.
If oil is not the factor then their strategic location is the key. Either way, western wealth talks louder than the call to Allah(swt).

Brothers from some of the nations surrounding Palestine tell me, "it is not our problem,"
"who wants to die, it isn't our land," or
"you don't understand...these are not good people,...they burden our country." Speaking on Kashmir, some brothers have said,"Oh,...That is not Jihad." Speaking on Chechnya..."Oh,...That is only a political war." East Turkestan..."where is that??" The Philipines..."brothers fighting for Islam 500 years??" Ignorance or self induced denial; name the place and brothers take an apologetic position. So much for

The flip side to this coin is that leaders of muslim nations who are not puppets of the zionists,are tyrants and murderers to their own people for some other worldly gain. So there is the state of muslim countries in a nutshell.And we ask ourselves, why are "Islamic countries" so helpless?

So, what do we do? You are right brother, hound our politicians with the message that human beings are dying every day as a result of our government buying tyrants,while also spewing retoric of democracy and the right to self determination to the masses of the world. Of course, we all know the game, speaking with a forked tongue is the politician's specialty(much like a serpent). Meanwhile, Islamic Re-awakening!! That's right, back to basics. Here, and in every muslim land. Until that happens we can crow like a rooster till the cows come home, and not accomplish a thing.

Re-awaken the hearts of muslims everywhere. Practice peace and justice and show the world our humanity. And the same time,show the world our conviction to fight for justice and right.
There no kings in Al-Islam,only slaves to Allah(swt).Americans in general hate tyranny but have forgotten what it really looks like(we have become comfortable with our own national ugliness). As Muslims it is our duty to set the example and speak out. And, when and where necessary, carry out physical jihad.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 11:25 am
WE need to prepare for the next election from NOW. WE have to understand that any significant change in the world will be through AMERICAN MUSLIMS. HOw is that ???. WE see now the Islamic countries are helpless and couldn't stop the crimes of Sharon towards palastinians and towards muslims in general. American muslims are more than 7 millions ( more than jewish), and more than 3 millions of them voted last November; more than 2 millions voted for George Bush. THe muslim organizations have now the right to ask Bush's cabinet what they are doing to stop Sharon's crimes ???. Muslims should ask the cabinet to stop sending 3 Billion Dollars to Israil, most of them military equipment, as Israil is usuing F16 to attack civilians. NOW is our time to ask the American Government to stop the violence against palastinians.

Ibrahim Greer

Saturday, May 12, 2001 - 11:50 pm
Asalaam Alaikum,

Yes,we need to be seen and heard at every level of government. It is not a stretch of the imagination that this nation may some day be majority Muslim.The values we profess are appealing to those that seek peace and justice.The reason Al-Islam is growing so fast in the United States has do with its universal, and eternal truth being recognized. And, that Al-Islam and our basic secular rules of law and governance are not necessarily at odds. What we are at odds with is rampant immoral behavior,and capitalism to the point of obscene gluttany.
Our democractic principles have foundations in Al-Islam, not only in Roman and Greek history. Islamic law is now being taught in many law shools around our nation. This is due to increased interest in comparative law,and due to an acknowledgement that Al-Islam influenced western civilization in arts,science,law and banking. Unfortunately, erroneous information,and negative propaganda procede us.

As we march on we must share our religion and beliefs with those around us and with our government officials. We must remember, that under the political armour, ther is a human being in need of truth and guidance.Allah(swt) created America and populated its shores so that we may reach out with the message of truth and love, and so that Al-Islam is established around the globe.
This is Allah's(swt)planning,and we are here for a reason. So,as we attend school board,PTA,city and town council meetings,etc. Let us remember, one day the misguided may become Allah's(swt)chosen.With that in mind we need to treat all non-muslims with love and respect as they are also Allah's(swt)creation. As we work to undo all the negative publicity we have recieved,we will touch many hearts Allah(swt)willing. The goal of course is not to become like America, but that America will become one of many nations in the worldwide ummah. With that hope,the ISLAMIC STATES OF AMERICA can become a glorious example for all believers. Allah(swt) knows best.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 05:21 pm
That is great that muslims in the states have a uniform direction in the election time. I guess it will be better next time. I guess they voted for George W. Bush as he is a bit conservative, against homosexuality and less supportive to jewish than AL Gore who chose a jewish as a vice president during the election time. We have to encourage muslims to vote and to be uniform, we have not to ignore the American democracy, it is working not like that happening in the third world countries. We should see more muslims in the next election in all grades, this should be hand in hand with Dawaa in mosques and everywhere. Othman Bn Afaan the 3rd khalifa said that Allah SWT establishes justice and islam by the power of the government more than by Quran. Islam and power should be in the same side.

Ibrahim Greer

Saturday, December 09, 2000 - 10:30 pm
So many wonderful viewpoints have been shared on the topic about unity. We can all agree that to be productive is greater than being idle. During this holy month of Ramadan the masjids are overflowing with enthusiastic worshippers. Can anyone imagine how productive and effective we would be as Muslims in the west, if each one of us would do one thing consistantly for the cause of Allah(swt)? There are so many Muslims in our area that come out of their homes for taraweeh prayers. However, where are we as a community during the rest of the year? There is much to be done if we are to build our masjids and our communities. Faith, and a lot of sweat, blood and tears was required to build the ummah in the days of Rasool Allah(pbuh).The word unity suggests we are working as one body, soul and spirit. So, to even begin to be a political force we must be a spiritual force. This requires each of us to make sacrifices for the sake of Allah(swt). For example, to volunteer to teach an hour each week in the masjid. To volunteer to cut the grass. To volunteer to vaccuum the carpet. To volunteer to clean the toilet. To volunteer as an administrator. The list is endless. Think of the possibilities if each of us gave only one hour a week doing something to support the masjid. Multiply approximately 4,000+ muslims x 1 hour a week = 16,000 hours of productivity a month in the Richmond area alone. Imagine, few would ever be burdened beyond their means. Find something you can do consistantly for one hour a week to support your respective masjid and our community.

In closing, if we work openly and honestly together we will succeed by the grace of Allah(swt). Coming for Salat al-Jumaa',Taraweeh and Eid prayer is not enough for those of us healthy enough to produce more for the sake of Allah(swt). Some among us, who are the most critical,are those who do little. Allah(swt) has promised worldly titles to those that chase the pleasure and prestige of this world. In contrast, Allah(swt) has promised paradise for those who work for his sake. The choice is ours.
Let's get started.