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American Muslims

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: American Muslims

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 10:47 pm
Asaalam Alaikum,

Still looking for ideas on how we return our Islamic roots concerning masjid adminstration and community wide cooperation.

Shura councils within each masjid (without all the current frills), handles masjid administration. Each shura council from each area masjid appoints a representative(s) to a local regional shura council to help resolve regional isues. The local regional council names a community Imam to serve as community spokesman and spiritual leader. Each of the area imams might serve in this capacity if deemed qualified.
Of course, I have over simplified the matter a bit; this is only a scetch.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Thursday, May 17, 2001 - 01:58 pm
The first source of power in the islamic community is Faith. Muslims are sure and confident that they are on the right path, based on the scietific, historical, languestic facts. They all admit that Quran is the miracle from Allah as no one in the world could claim that he can do one chapter of it ( soura) even at the time of computers and high technology. All trials to fake Quran are funny if not nauseating. Muslims are also confident that the future is for Islam and Islam will spread to every where in the world, by us or by others. Muslims also understand that following the Islamic rules save them a better life in Dunia and after death, and also the opposite is severe.

Eman, although it is a belive, is not constant in amount, but increases and decreases according to the situation the muslim is. Eman increases by the obediance of Allah SWT, reading Quran, praying in masjid and all other kinds of obediance. Eman decreases by staying with non muslims, watching sins and doing sins. In America, as the majority of the population are non muslims and we have to live and work with them them, so the rest of the time should be with muslims and in masjid, otherwise Eman will come down

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Thursday, May 17, 2001 - 09:44 am
No one in the west can imagine that the people of Madina ( ANSAR) offered to give the immigrants ( MOHAGERIN) half of their money and property and even women!!!!. this is unique in the human history in general... It does not matter if you call me BROTHER or not , but you should feel it. I'm not talking about muslims trying to cheat, ask your money or property or trying to abuse the Islamic brotherhood, but mainly talking about getting an excuse for your brother's fault. Every one is a human being and is supposed to do mistakes, this is natural. The real mistake is that you pick the mistake, magnify and make it the end of the world. In this process you may forget all your brother's good things and credit. Rassul Allah SAAW kept advising us to be soft with muslims even in Salat. Rassul Allah SAAW warned us from cutting and called it a SHAVER, cutting between muslims is the shaver, it doesn't shave hair, but Din. Muslims are strong in facing non believers, but soft among muslims. This is a source of power for the Islamic community, so DON'T WASTE.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Wednesday, May 16, 2001 - 09:07 am
First of all, I wish to apologize for the badly spelled words as i donot check spelling /grammer.

Second of all, I always have this advice for the better Din and Dunia, for better relationship with Allah SWT and with muslims. Every one has to remember and practise; The advice is ( Be with Allah SWT with no people and Be with people with no soul). The meaning is for good din and sincerity is to watch Allah SWT and never look at people's appreciation or discourage, and for better Donia, try to treat people with no selfishness, try to give others the priority not yourself. This is the meaning of the Hadith of the prophet SAAW : Don't look at Dunia, Allah will love you, and Don't look to people's property, people will love you. I guess if we, as people and as ummah followed that, Islam will be back soon. The most important sign that impressed foreigners when they visit the Islamic countries is the AULTRISM and no selfishness between muslims which is completely different from the western culture which depends on (Individualism and selfishness). They can't understand the brotherhood and aultrism between muslims... This is the unique weapon in the victory of Islam and muslims... This is the unique source of power in Islam which is absent in the west. Keep going in this track, THIS IS THE WAY. Next time I will be talking about the first souce of power which is Iman ( Faith) In Shaa Allah.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Monday, May 14, 2001 - 01:40 pm
Just as examles for what I say; I enjoyed listening to Hamza Yousef who is an American and reverted to Islam and stayed for a time in some Islamic countries to get Elm. In our local community (Richmond), Abd-Elfattah led the Taraweh prayers in the Islamic center of VA, when he was a teen ager African American, he was leading elder arabs coming from saudi Arabia, lebanon, pakistan or Egypt.

Mahmoud mahgoub, Detroit, MI

Monday, May 14, 2001 - 01:30 pm
I agree that positions in Islam are filled by being chosen, not by asking people to elect you, that is true, but who are choosing???. This is either the leader of the islamic community as Khalifa for example ( as Abu bakr chose Omar as a khalifa after him) or by special group,As the six great sahaba chose Othman for khelafa, not anyone. Until this policy takes effect or if a leader comes by force, how we can manage that???, or in other words, how can we manage the islamic issues in our islamic comminuity as a preparation of managing the islamic issues as an ummah ?????. First of all that we have to look down to positions, Never, Never look at positions as a land mark that Allah loves someone or as a great thing at all. Second thing, is to advise and advise and advise. How to advise and when you advise and to realize that this thing is completely haram or not i.e. there is another opinion from Muslim scholars, this needs Elm as you are not supposed to resist except the pure haram thing, any other issue which has two or more different opinions from certified ( by Ummah) scholars, you SHOULD not fight for that if even you think you are right and the other one is wrong.

The most important thing is to advise with the intention to fix, not to show up... this is important. To advise and not to get the leader down, but put him in a situation to accept what you say. Remember always that one sign of Hippocracy ( Nifak) is that you love the victory of Islam to be on your hand, and you feel bad or neutral if it is achieved by someone else. this is very important. ( THe good believer advises and does not declare the bad things,and the Fajer declares bad things and keep talking about that).

Obviously, the mechanism of advice, the content of advice and the topic you chose for advice , all these need ELM ( knowledge). If someone has Elm, the souls of good muslims will recognize him and will choose him as a leader even if he never intends that. Always, always keep the brotherhood and never try to breakdown any relationship with muslims, remember no one is completely pure from sins and mistakes... this is another topic, may be I will have time to talk about.

Ibrahim Greer

Saturday, May 12, 2001 - 10:10 am
Asalaam Alaikum,

We can agree that piety and Islamic knowledge are essential for those in leadership roles. If they possess these attributes no one will be left behind, the community will flourish together as a whole, without petty divisions.

If we look to Muhammad(pbuh) and the Khalifat Rashidoon(ra)we see that they never campaigned for office or position. They were chosen, much to their chagrine. They knew what a tremendous weight had been placed upon their shoulders.
Today we find in our masjids, stump speeches, political maneuvering, buying votes by paying a newcomers membership(comes w/voting rights),etc.
May Allah(swt) forgive us!! True pious leaders never seek the office Allah(swt) bestows upon them, nor do they expect it in any way.Look at Allah's(swt)prophets who led mankind in spiritual and wordly matters.Many were lowly in the eyes of men, but great in the eyes of Allah(swt).

So, I propose we scrap all these commitees and boards, titles and positions and follow the example of our forebearers. A simple shura.
I know,... what about the government and our tax exempt status? I ask you,...what does the seperation between church and state really mean?
What are we so afraid of? What are we losing?
We are losing a grip on our Din through all the political harangue, and spin we witness in our
masjids.We fear losing a few precious dollars or upsetting the US government.We are MUSLIMS, we have been given the standard in which to govern ourselves.Our current system over governing our masjids has become outrageous at best, for it is divisive and destructive.You see it, I see it, we all see it, but we are too meek to speak. We need some alternatives that meet our basic Islamic principles in governance and administration; any ideas?

Mahmoud Mahgoub, Detroit, MI

Friday, May 11, 2001 - 12:41 pm
I agree brother Ibrahim that pure sincerity is unique even in the Islamic leaders, but what to do for that ????.

I agree also with the fact that muslims communities are a bit divided, but don't oevr-estimate the problem and NEVER NEVER feel inferior to any mulsim whatever his color or ethnic background. Some African Americans, unfortunately, and however they reach very high positions, still think and live in the past. They are still thinking that they are abused, badly treated by the white and so on although most of that is not true now.
I'm still insisting that Elm with Shariaa is the only formal way for leadership in Islam. Imam Malik when he visited the soliders of ALkhalifa to advise them, they all ( 100 thousands), get scared from him!!!!. How is that????, because he is a sincere muslim scholar and examples in this topic are too many.

Ibrahim Greer

Friday, May 11, 2001 - 11:27 am
Asalaam Alaikum,

I believe Br.Mahmoud, you have hit the nail on the head!! There is not an unwillingness to do for the sake of Allah(swt). However, bigotry and oppression undermine our ummah from becoming great in our Din and in the dunya. A divide exists between muslim communities even in Richmond. This divide is based on classism,racism,culturism, and madhabism,etc.
In adition,leaders need to lead from the front lines, not the rear. In addition, the glass ceiling is in place in almost any organization you can name. This should not, however, be the case in muslim society. The pious,harding working believers should be at the forefront. However,we all see this $$$$ gets positions and titles quicker than deeds. The end result is leaders who are not the best examples.

Despite much of this we continue to work for the sake of Allah(swt). Allah(swt) is the best of planners. Much of what you have stated I agree with, but we need to bridge the divides that have been created through the years. There are many in this community and elswhere working to this end. American born Muslims and reverts to Al-Islam have been and will continue to make their presence felt in the ummah, and Allah(swt)willing,those glass ceilings will be shattered, and old wounds will be healed.

Wa salaam,

Ibrahim Greer

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Friday, May 11, 2001 - 09:51 am
One thing I 'm worried about, ---Iam talking as general , that happens in our countries not in specific regions--. When a muslim starts coming to the masjid on a regular base and start following Din, he begins to behave as a scholar or a leader, or I will lead that or i will quit, or i will be in charge of something or I will feel bad. This happens EVERY WHERE.

I think I have to emphasize that any one who is working by Islam, who is working for Islam should be waiting the reward from Allah SWT and his paradius and nothing else. Sincerity is unique. I'm not talking to offend anyone, but talking in general. There should be programs for new muslims to develop their din. In the meantime, no muslim is supposed to get any muslim down ( whatever his color, race, or ethnic background)

Mahmoud Mahgoub Detroit, MI

Friday, May 11, 2001 - 09:18 am
First of all, I do consider the one who accepted Isalm much better than myself, who is an arabic and born in a complete Islamic enviroment. Obviously Sahaba were not born as muslims and also the best Tabieen ( the 2nd generation of Islam who followed Sahaba ) were non arabs and sleeves got into Islam in the islamic wars as Ekrema, Tawoos.who learnt the Islamic Shariaa, became scholars in Islam and led all the arabs.

Second of all, I don't consider cutting the grass or cleaning the masjid a dirty work for the muslim with a good intention. Rassul Allah SAAW promised the woman who was used to cleaning the masjid by paradius.

Third of all, I talked about employing everyone in the best job of benefit for the Islamic community, I don't care if his job is a leader in Salat or khotba or not. Obviously, we have not to assign Imam for salat if he does not read Quran well, we have not to assign Imam for salat also if he does not know how to MANAGE the salat if some problem happened. If you brother who is new in Islam got knowledge in Shariaa and became a scholar in Islam, I will be one of your followers as Tabieen followed Ekrema and Tawoos.

Lastly, please brother who is new in Islam, try to learn Shariaa well and you will spontanously become a leader of the islamic community even if you didn't intend to be so.

Ibrahim Greer

Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 11:39 pm
Asalaam Alaikum,

Dear brothers and sisters. As an American Muslim of european descent I appreciate the recognition that native born Americans of various ethnic backgrounds are not included in many critical positions within our masjids. To be specific, we are not represented on most executive committees, board of trustees,etc. Why not?

Let it be quite clear that there are many of us who have a great deal of formal education and knowledge of Shariaa and of our beloved Din.
Also, we are qualified to lead prayer in most cases, except those who either can not recite properly or known to be of poor character.
We are in no way second to anyone born muslim.
As Muslims we are obligated to speak on those things in which we have sure knowledge concerning the Din, to include Shariaa,etc.
It is insulting to imply reverts to Al-Islam
and native born Americans Muslims be kept in the proverbial tool box until it is convenient to use them to hammer American officials. Yet, in many cases this is how we are treated.

Also, my black, hispanic, and white brothers, are all treated as second class muslims within the muslim community. The racism is as obvious as the sun rises and sets. The filth and disrespect that is spoken and unspoken is beyond belief. To imply our involvment on executive committees and such will fix anything is like giving a placebo to a growing cancer.

Our masjids are filled with power hungry despots who literally buy position so as to call themselves muslim leaders. These so called leaders do not show for prayers or other important masjid matters, yet at Eid prayers and Jummaa' need to been seen and heard. Our muslim brothers and sisters from abroad do not always set the proper example to those of us who are new to Al-Islam. Yet, we know proper behavior and decorum we see it on display. Personally I am content with picking up the trash, cutting grass, and doing whatever else I can do to support the masjid. That is the best place to be when all the jackals go running for the scraps of important titles that have fallen from the table of some executive committee or board.

What I am talking about is not only Richmond, but nationwide. The Al-Islam is overshadowed by politics,smoke and mirrors, and slight of hand.
Everyone wants to be in charge, but who will do the dirty work? That is correct, the brothers and sisters who had to accept AL-Islam. Who lost friends and loved ones for that decision. Who accepted the message of Al-Islam, for Allah(swt) gave them true guidance. Our religion is our life and our love and we fight for it every day. We love all our brothers and sisters in Al-Islam. However, we lament and weep at the shambles and ruins created by self serving boards and commitees. Despite our love and committment, we are still treated as second class muslims. We just sit on the side line and observe Arab,Indian and Pakistani brothers battle "it" out over some moot point.
The argument then spills out into the community where accusations are spewed about one ethnic group is out to run everything. So what!!
Look at how we are viewed by non muslims who are brought into the dispute, such as local and federal agencies, and at times, law enforcement.
Will having a token white or black muslim on a commitee or board fix such a dilema? Not likey.

As much as we would like to be more involved in building our muslim community, being a part of boards and committees is at best,a bitter assignment. It is simply an image problem that our leaders must overcome by following Muhammad's(pbuh)examples in leadership. The concept of the shura and being inclusive during policy making is essential. All groups within in the community must feel that their concerns are at least heard.
Our race and culture may be different but our religion is one. We must have coalitions of interests, not culture nor color.

There are wounds to be healed within our nationwide muslim community. American born muslims and reverts have witnessed some bad manners, and are more inclined to work for Allah(swt)in low profile, away from the hotbeds of hypocrasy known as "boards" and "committees."
It is hard on one's Din. When many of us accepted Al-Islam and made shahada we were soon forgotten. We had to seek out the believers, the believers did not seek us out. Thus, another divide was created. So when those who forgot us ask for assistance it is hard to forget our pain.Now that I have exhausted myself, I hope I have not offended anyone.If our leaders clean up their act, perhaps we will soon see more American born muslims and reverts taking more active roles within our communities.

Wa Salaam,
Ibrahim Greer

Mahmoud Mahgoub, Detroit, MI

Thursday, May 10, 2001 - 10:06 am
First of all, I have to admit that a good percentage of muslims coming frequently to masjid are non - americans, may be from arab countries, east Asia or so. This is true, we have also american muslims who accepted Islam and come frequently to masjids and try to participate in all the activities, that is great. What I found is that Americans try to be away from the executive committee of any masjid, may be the reason is that he /or she feels that as a new muslim has no much knowledge of Shariaa and Din in general, Yet, they have full understanding by the American organizations and offices. The native Americans fully understand the American culture and politics. My suggestion is any board should have at least one active muslim native American. His main responsibility is not to talk about Shariaa, Din or lead prayer, but to talk to the officials, to ask about something or to write to officials to complain of something. I mean for better comminucation with the American officials. I have tried to push Americans to participate in all boards of the masjid during my stay in Richmond,most of them were waiting until they have good knowledge of Quraan and Shariaa !!!.
We have to have an active Muslim American as a secretory of comminucation in all boards of masjids.

Mahmoud Mahgoub Detroit, MI

Tuesday, May 08, 2001 - 03:43 pm
Most of us go to Masjid frequently, try to avoid Haram stuffs and try to apply Islam in his personal and family issues ( that is great). we have to try to islamize the rest of our life, we still need an islamic bank, islamic way to buy a house, islamic car insurance, and islamic credit card. We still need alcohol and pork free medicines, we need to have the two Feast days ( the day of fetr and the day of Udha) a nation wide holidays, we need a nation wide TV and Radio channels. I know that there are trials to achieve something of all of these, so let us think how we can achieve that goal.