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Muslims Teenagers in the States

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Muslims Teenagers in the States

Ibrahim Greer

Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 12:20 am
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem,

Asalaam Alaikum,

We need to start a national Muslim Scouts of America. It is time for us to establish these types of programs for our young people.We do not need to rely on the non-muslims for their organizations to train our Muslim children!
As a community we always worry about public image instead of living our religion and setting an example for the non-muslims.

Muslim Camps,Muslim Scouts,Muslim Education,etc,etc. We can do it for ourselves and set a standard of excellence. What do most kids say despite all the latest conveniences??

"I'M BORED!!!!"

Our children want and need challenges and responsibilities and adventure.MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Mahmoud Mahgoub Detroit, MI

Sunday, May 27, 2001 - 01:17 pm
The ideas you proposed brother Ibrahim are great, we have not to wait until our kids grow and then remember that they should be conservative, we have to begin in early childhood. But the main problem is that at the age of 16-18 all kids don't get satisfaction by the INDOOR experience and want to TRY everything, especially when they hear classmates talking about somethings, this is the problem. Islamic schools, Islamic clubs and so on are part of the solution. But , as the muslim community grow, is it possible to talk to officials to allow more influence over the teenages if they misbehave??? How can we explain for the officials the rules of our Islamic Shariaa, so that they allow more influence over the teenagers if they misbehave??? I may recall someone who took his family back to his home country in the middle east when he could not control the misbehaviour of his teenager in the states. The situation in the middle east is not easier in how to treat the teenager, but it allows the family to have more control over them. This is the differnece we have to get in our new community.

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, May 22, 2001 - 10:20 pm
Asalaam Alaikum,

The best thing any Muslim family can do is set aside time in the home for family study of the Qur'an and make salaat together in the home as well as in the masjid. Also,consistency in parental behavior is important. "Do as I say and not as do," is not acceptable. Setting a good example in all aspects of our adult life is an important aspect of a child's Islamic education.
I still ask myself after all these years, "how did my father or mother handle a similar situation?" Hopefully a parent handles any situation in a manner consistent with Muhammad's(pbuh)example.

As parents,it is most important that we take our children to the masjid and enroll them in classes with other children. Following up on their progress and ensuring that they progress in their Islamic education is essential.Many times I have had a child or teen say,"my parents don't have time to help me." May Allah(swt) forgive us.

Once our children reach puberty and have become young men and women, they become increasingly accountable to Allah(swt) for their actions.
If they don't know that sex outside of marriage is haraam and harmful to them,then we have all failed in our duty to our children.If we work diligently at early stages, teens will be equipped with all the necessary spiritual armor in which to battle this dunya. If we teach what is right and set a good example, and our teens still abandon their religion, they are in the wrong, and Allah(swt) will deal with them accordingly.

Beyond the didactic nature of topic, let us look at the enormous fun that we can have while learning and teaching the din. The annual Islamic convetions are a wonderful way for teens to meet other teens and share their experiences and common interests. Also, the events at these conventions are fun for adults,children and teens.
Camping trips,outings,fishing trips,hunting,and organized sports all contribute to a team spirit that is an essential part the Islamic community.
Incorporate salaat and Islamic teachings into extracurricular activities. It seems many adults have led their children to the impression that salaat is only done at home or in the masjid.
NO, subhana Allah, our religion is easy and portable,we pray no matter where we are or we are doing. In group outings,etc.,our young folks gain confidence in numbers and learn it is alright to express their spirituality by praying in public.
It is also powerful dawa when non muslims see young people in prayer and submission to their creator.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Monday, May 21, 2001 - 12:21 pm
My topic now, although it could be under the title American Muslims, yet I like it to be under this title. I think one thing which scars muslim parents most is the future of their teenager son or daughter. This major concern can threaten the stay of all the family in the states or can make their life hell. This problem is special if the muslim parents are coming from the east side of the world ( I mean the middle east or south east Asia). The American culture encourages the teenagers to have friendships with the other sex as well as the same sex. The American culture doesn't prohibit sexual relationships without marriage which is completely prohibited in Islam. The American law gives the teenager the right to do whatever he or she wants regardless of the consent of the family. How to protect our girls from MARRIAGE to a non - muslim guy which is completely prohibited in Islam????. We have to think about this concern and try to find technical solutions.