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It is the time to ask for the Muslims' rights

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: It is the time to ask for the Muslims' rights

Ibrahim Greer

Thursday, June 14, 2001 - 11:08 pm
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

Asalaam Alaikum,

Nothing is impossible;when we submit to Allah(swt)as a people,then we will be unified. Until that time,everyone is trying to be the chief instead of a slave to their master.Unity is not something we need to create,we need to submit to Allah(swt),therein awaits peace,and unity.

Whatever title our various organizations carry,if their respective members are believers, compromise can be met,and leaders chosen. By the way, all the categories such as Sunni,Shia,Sufi,Malaki,Shafi,Hanbali,etc.,etc.,etc., express viewpoints of the same religion.If we do not agree with our brothers' interpretations of Al-Islam,we must leave some of these issues to Allah(swt). Otherwise, we will continue to canabalize ourselves, much to the kafir's pleasure.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Monday, June 11, 2001 - 01:50 pm
This is really good thinking brother Ibrahim, although looks like hard to apply. I guess muslims in the states, to an extent, represent the varients of islamic bodies or ways of thinking or interest in the islamic world in general. For example if we are looking for bodies working for Islam in our Islamic world, they are either Ekhwan( Muslim brothers), Salaf ( following the precedors) and Tabligh. many other subgroups ( even in thinking how to work for Islam) are present also. Each group takes care of some islamic issues more than other groups and every one feels that he is the best!!! some of these issues are found also in the states by variable degrees. We have not to ignore Sofi or She'ie muslims either. To get one Imam for all muslims in the states is really hard if not impossible. I think the realestic solution is to get the ground for unity, and for now accept the unity in political opinions to get the rights for muslims in general as Sha'ie and Sonny muslims do in Detroit; they have only unity in the political issues, but completely separate masjids, schools,and even calenders. I'm not depressing you, you are absolutely right, but looks to be impossible for now. The other point is every one has to participate in these organizations and try to apply Shura and ask for that. These organizations had to begin any way and we have to correct the pathway anytime if not islamic. Try to think how???/

Ibrahim Greer

Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 12:06 am
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem,

Asalaam Alaikum,

Some of these organizations have done much for the sake of Al-Islam,yet none of them fully represent the body of the ummah in North America.

I do not recall having an opportunity to elect them to a shura who should in turn choose an amir for the North American ummah. I recall many comments during the past presidential election that pointed out that our so called "leaders" that requested our block vote are leaders in name only. Who appointed them spokesmen for the entire ummah, and what rights do they have over our votes and consciences?

The only way to resolve the distrust is through appointing delegates to a national shura body.This process is used by a variety of national Christian organizations to appoint national leaders/spokesmen. So, we do not need to fear public scrutiny. The process can be done state by state or by regions. Once delegates are chosen in each region,they meet in a national conference to decide on the foundation of a national umbrella organzition to handle religious and political issues on behalf of the ummah in North America(US). The main goal of course is to chose a national amir or imam.

A good, solid chair that can withstand much punishment and abuse, rest on well made,solid legs,that support the entire structure.

So our existing organizations such as CAIR,ICNA,ISNA,etc., are the sturdy legs to support an executive national shura council and amir.

However, the delegates for the initial convention for the foundation of a national shura council and amir,must be chosen by the people at the local level. Our religion has never relied on totalitarism nor dictatorship. Our tradition is of equal voice and democratic in nature.I am not referring to the United States form of democracy, but of the manner in which Muhammad(pbuh) and the Khalifat Rashadoon(rah)listened to the opinions of those in the shura and those who were not.The members of the shura of course were brothers who had been reconized as leaders. Not because they proclaimed themselves as leaders, but because they led by example and were respected by their peoples. If we maintain such a tradition, we will eliminate some of the bitterness torwards those who are indeed in leadership roles, and put us on track to be a truly unified national ummah. Allah(swt) knows best.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Tuesday, June 05, 2001 - 03:38 pm
So, how can we make it????. who will be talking on behalf of 2.3 millions voted for George Bush and ask for muslims'rights; the CAIR, ISNA, ICNA, and how to push them to talk on behalf of muslims????

If we do and the Islamic organizations do, this will be great. and we can establish Justice for muslims every where in the world

Ibrahim Greer

Friday, June 01, 2001 - 11:38 pm
Asalaam Alaikum,

Right on Brother Mahmoud!! Time to put our retoric
into action!!

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Friday, June 01, 2001 - 10:37 am
I think the president George W. Bush and his party should be grateful to muslims as their votes made the difference and he got the presidency through them. I guess he ( now 54 years) will be looking for another period of presidency. Muslims, as persons, groups and organizations , NOW, should take the opportunity and ask about the rights of Muslims in general. They should be asking Bush's cabient what they did for stopping the Israelis' terrorism against Palestinians. Muslims, NOW, should have the confidence to change the US direction towards Muslims'rights.... What do you think guys???.