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The Journey Seeking Knowledge

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: The Journey Seeking Knowledge

Mahmoud Mahgoub, Detroit, MI

Tuesday, September 04, 2001 - 10:00 am
It was my pleasure to attend a part of the Quraan and Sunna society meeting held in the last long weekend of August every year in Detroit, Michigan. I saw brothers from every where in the US. I have heard during the meetings that the Albani center in Jordan is offering a month of classes during April 2002 ( from April 1st--30th), they will provide accommodation and books for 100 persons, men or women with Mahram. During this month, 175 classes will be given; 50 Arabic and 125 in the basic Islamic knowledge ( Quraan, Sunna, Faith, etc....). What you get in one month is the curriculum for a year of regular classes. This opportunity is unique for new Muslims, especially non Arabs to start with. The number is limited to 100, so if interested , visit or
I think this is a revival for the journey seeking knowledge ( ALrehla Fy Talab ELelm).

Also, the Islamic American University is offering classes in Arabic and Islamic studies, if 50 persons register in one topic, you can have the classes in your area.... This is good also.