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About the War !!!!!!

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: About the War !!!!!!

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Sunday, October 28, 2001 - 07:08 pm
American Muslims call for peaceful efforts to end the conflict in
We, the undersigned national Islamic organizations resolve the following:
1. We reiterate our unequivocal condemnation of the crime committed on
September 11, 2001 and join our fellow Americans in mourning the loss of up
to 6000 innocent civilians.
2. We reiterate our support for bringing to justice those who are
responsible for planning, executing or knowingly helping to carry out this
crime. In so doing, we believe that all legal provisions, and procedures of
law, national and international, must be adhered to.
3. We believe the bombing in Afghanistan is not in the long-term interest of
our country or the world at large. The bombing victimizes the innocents,
exacerbates the humanitarian disaster, and creates widespread resentment
across the Muslim world. Allowing thousands of innocent civilians to die
in the harsh Afghan winter will only serve to weaken the global resolve to
root out terrorism. The senseless starvation of women and children will
fuel hate and extremism.
4. We call on our government to urgently re-assess its action in
Afghanistan, and to cease the bombing campaign and other military actions.
Our government should seek a more effective and long-term strategy to deal
with terrorism and its causes, whether such violence is committed by
individuals, groups or states. We feel that international disputes should be
resolved through U.N. mechanisms and in accordance with its charter.
5. As American Muslims, we stand ready to help our government in building
bridges of understanding with Muslim countries, and assist in removing root
causes of misunderstanding, grievances and conflict. We also express our
opposition to the extension of bombing to other countries. Such attacks
will aggravate an already explosive and destabilizing situation.
6. As Americans, we believe that it is not only our right but also our civic
duty and responsibility to express our sincere views of what is in the
long-term interest of our country. We strongly reject any suggestion that
opposing a certain policy of our government is tantamount to disloyalty.
This suggestion is undemocratic, unfair and un-American.
7. Finally, we express our concern about the possibility of unconstitutional
measures in new anti-terrorism legislation, which may curtail civil
liberties in the name of security. Such measures are unlikely to make
Americans safer and may be applied in a discriminatory manner against
American citizens and lawful residents from specific ethnic and religious
We pray to the universal God of all to bestow His mercy, healing and peace
on all humanity.
Muslim American Society (MAS), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA),
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Muslim Alliance of North
America (MANA), Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim Public
Affairs Council (MPAC), Muslim Student Association (MSA), Islamic
Association for Palestine (IAP), United Association for Studies and Research
(UASR), Solidarity International, American Muslims for Global Peace and
Justice (AMGPJ), American Muslim Alliance (AMA), United Muslim Americans
Association (UMAA), Islamic Media Foundation (IMF), American Muslim
Foundation (AMF), Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations (CCMO),
American Muslims for Jerusalem (AMJ), Muslim Arab Youth Association (MAYA)


Mahmoud Mahgoub

Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 12:44 pm
Terrorism is never pleasant, and neither is the War. The geography and the climate of Afghanistan make invading it by foreign forces harder. Killing Afghani innocents is not accepted, and losing American millitants is not accepted either. Missing Bin Laden and his fellows, who are the target of the war, is probable. Anthrax problem in the US. More Israili attacks to the west bank, and Sharon, for the first time, refuses the American orders to withdraw from Palastinian areas after the assissination of Zeevy. Israili attacks to south lebanon, and three members of Hezbollah are among the America most wanted 22 member list for the pleasure of Israil. Iraqi people suffering for the eleventh year.... Muslims are suffering in Shishinnia, and other parts of the world. This is the dilemma, Muslims, and all the world live in before the begining of the Holy Month of Ramadn...... We ask Allah Subhanah Wataala to clear that all, and establish PEACE, JUSTICE, and FREEDOM every where in this universe

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Sunday, October 21, 2001 - 07:28 pm
Islam is against terrorism, this is sure.
Muslims all over the world want to get rid of terrorism as Americans do, this is also sure.
How to solve this dilemma???. We have to think about the causes. First of all, in the current era of satallites, it is not possible to apply torture in the palastinian areas without getting 1.2 billion muslims angry and mad. In the past, Israil kiiled thousands and thousands of palastinians from 1948 till now, but now, the media coverage exposes everything. Every one in the world saw the Israili soliders insisting on killing the 7 year old Mohammed Eldora while trying to hide behind his dad in 7 consecutive pictures. So, how 1.2 billion muslims feel about that??????. My point is to say, the torture of the past is not accepted now. Today is not the time for hardliners like the 73 year old Mr Sharon

The second point is : If Osama Bin Laden was allowed to talk about depature of the American forces from the gulf in his home country, would he go to Afghanstan, and establish Alqaada????.
When Osama proposed that Americans should leave by the end of the war, why the Saudi kingdom considered him dissident ?????. If the Suadi government allowed him to talk, would be establish Alqaada???.

We have to establish at least the free speech, if not complete democracy, in every single country. We have to stop all types of torture against civilians and innocents. The world is, now, a small village.

This will certainly help to get rid of the terrorism much more than attacking Afghanstan does.

Ibrahim Greer

Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 11:50 pm
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
Asalaam Alaikum,
The events of the last four weeks are tragic. Thousands lost in an act of pure cruelty. What else can one say. We have all read of how Muhammad(pbuh) was persecuted relentlessly by the non believers of Mecca. Yet maintained the moral high ground and showed mercy for even those who threw fecal matter, and animal intestines,etc. upon him, and cursed him with foul language.Still, we have muslim brothers who ignore the key element of showing mercy even when being wronged terribly. Knowing that Allah(swt) administers justice on the day of judgement should be enough to set any believers heart at rest when wronged or abused by someone.So,how to fight injustice? Not with injustice!! So,how could any professed muslim commit such an act? How do we correct this problem?

Fighting terrorism of course is not won by slugging it out with Afghanis. Elements that promote and provide terrorist training did not just emerge and come to light Sept11.These groups have been around for years,and yet,no one seemed to be doing much to stop them. Of course,if we were running a government in Afghanistan,how much control could anyone truly have over such a war torn country.Look at the United States following our Civil War.The American South was destitute,full of criminal activity,not truly under any true control until almost the turn of that century.Afghanistan has needed help since the Russians were run out,and since then, what has the international community really done? That is correct, little. What have muslim countries and their leaders done to help Afghanistan? You're right again, little.I am not speeking of food or medicine necessarily,but helping Afghanistan rebuild following the Taliban gaining control.Of course, they are not perfect, but tell me of a government that is perfect.Are they international "booger men?" I think not. Anytime a nation calls itself "Islamic state" it gets a bum rap usually.Good or bad track record aside,the Taliban is the government of Afghanistan.They have a unique set of problems and circumstances to deal with within their country.In addition,look at those poor souls with little or nothing to eat.What little they own is being destroyed further by bombing.So,much of what we see is a monster created by an apathetic group of nations calling itself the United Nations,with numerous so called muslim governments represented.They talk a lot,and do little. Depsite our need to have justice and victory,bombing and deploying troops will do little to get to the root of terrorism.You can pull weeds in your garden all day,but if you don't get the roots out,those weeds come back over and over again.

There is no "Palestinian Question"(Should be the "ZionistQuestion").And,against U.S.foreign policy gurus:Iraqi people who are dying by the thousands can not overthrow a corrupt government while they are starving to death,and without medical care.Chechnya is not Russia.Kashmir? East Turkestan? I guess all these will be resolved when it is a little more convenient.In the final analysis Allah(swt)knows best.We as believers,must however,set the moral high ground and be patient,and merciful.Allah(swt)always gets the last word,and he is always just.Mankind seldom is.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Tuesday, October 09, 2001 - 01:23 pm
No one can blame the US in the intention of stopping terrorism. No muslim was happy by 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden, could be guilty for appraising the attacks, however, very little evidence, if any, could confirm he did that. Killing civilians is never a way of the holy Islamic Jihad

But, is attacking the poor Afghany people the proper solution for terrorism ????. This is a big question. Will that stop terrorism especially Killing innocents is a must in this war... I think Muslims, and all the world are gravely concerned by this question.