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Ask for peace and Justice in the Palastinian-Israili Conflict !!!!

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Ask for peace and Justice in the Palastinian-Israili Conflict !!!!

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 02:19 pm
Yes, Israel is the 51st state of The United States no doubt. Unfortunately, Hezbollah decided to get iteslf caught up in the tit for tat struggle and that has led to a horrible massacre of hundreds if not thousands. The cat has been let of the bag and death and destruction follows. Israel does a great job beating up little people as long as our government here in the US supplies the firepower. This is just another small part of an ever increasing tragedy that is the last 50+ years in the Middle East. We must ask Allah(swt) to end this horrible suffering of all innocent people whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim. If we cannot find peace then may Allah(swt) give strength to the arms that do indeed fight for truth and justice, whosoever they may be.

ringo starr

Friday, July 28, 2006 - 09:19 am
Israil is totally out of order in its attempt to stop hesbulla all it is doing is killing innocent people & destroying Lebanon they r barbarians & should be ashamed of there selves it is unbelivable that they can be allowed to continue this massecre of lebanon ( Israil should get out of Palestine it doesnt belong to them & never will Palestine belongs to the Palestinions not the jews so get out then u will find that u will never be under threat from militant groups !!!! you are up the Americans asses and without them u would lose this war , you all ---- yr selves when Sadam thretend you so without the asshole yanks you would fall in this conflict 4 sure , i do not support terrorist groups but i despise a nation such as israil for targeting civilians !!!! u are assholes just like the yanks

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Sunday, March 10, 2002 - 11:12 pm
The unbalanced war between Israil and Palastinians worries everyone in the world, not only Muslims.. Israil has a full military equipment, mainly American weapons, and palastinians are essentially civilians. Palastinians kill themselves in succidal bombs to give pain to Israil, as there is no other solution available. They have lost the hope of any justice, peace or any sort of good life. Israil revenge by attacking cities, detaining the youth, killing civilains, destroying buildings and making the life of palastinians quite hell. All of those attacks happen by American weapons and with the money of American taxpayers... We have to say NO.. Enough is enough. The American money shouldn't be used in killing civilians, the American weapons should not be used for torture against civilains. The US administration shouldn't give a deaf ear for the conflict there. All Muslims in America should protest against using the American weapons and mondy in killing civilians

Ibrahim Greer

Monday, December 31, 2001 - 06:55 pm
Allah(swt)will take care of justice;in this there is no doubt.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Tuesday, December 25, 2001 - 02:23 pm
The west in general, and the US in particular, are responsible for supporting Israil throughout the last 50 years. So, from the moral standpoint, the west should make sure that Israil doesn't abuse this support for applying torture in the palastinian areas. Otherwise, the crimes of Israil against humanity, will be in turn, crimes of the west. The west was used to supporting Israil as a democratic state around arabs who were supported by the communist Soviet Union in the Bipolar world. But now, the map of the world has been changed with no more communism in the world, and with only one super power which is the US. So, special care should be taken into cosideration to apply Worldwide Justice and Peace.

Mahmoud Mahgoub

Tuesday, December 11, 2001 - 01:14 pm
Many reporters declared that the US bias in the Palstinian- Israili conflict as a direct reason for the global terrorism. What is the story of this conflict???.

In brief, Palastine was an Arabic state for Muslims and Christians living together in peace. In the early years of the last century, Jews came to Palastine to visit the Holy places, but they settled, fought Arabs, and had a big community there. In 1918, the British Foreign Minister promised Jews to establish a State for Jews in Palastine. In 1920, Palastine was under the British occupation, and England worked to establish an independent state for Jews in Palastine. In 1947, the UN decided to divide Palstine into an Arab state and a Jewish state.

In 1948, Jews declared the State of Israil, and began to kick Arabs out of Palastine by torture, killing civilians and all unhuman acts. Jews controlled all of Palastine by 1967, while they were supposed to get only 23% of the land as in the UN decision in 1947, they controlled all Jeursalim, with the Holy mosque for Muslims, and had been working to destroy it, and build the Temple Mountain in the place of the mosque!!!!!!!. In 1967 war, Israil occupied also the southern part of Syria (Golan heights), Sinai (one third of Egypt), Gaza and the west bank together with the eastern (Arabic)part of Jeursalim. In 1980's, Israil occupied, also, south lebanon, until they left south Lebanon in June 2000, when they couldn't tolerate the defence attacks of Hezbollah.

Now, Israil is a complete State, with full military equipment including Nuclear weapons, and Palstinians are living in MILLIONS without independant state, and are subjected to Israili attacks with the American Tanks and weapons. Young Arab men, losing the hope of peace and justice, are killing themselves in succidal bombs in Zionist areas. Israili army attacks the palastinian areas with advanced weapons, destroy the palastinian police stations, and the infrastructure. Palastinian civilians are killed in hundreds.

The US, replacing the Great Braitin after the World War II as the super power, was used to supporting Israil, both ecomonically, diplomatically and with all kinds of advanced weapons. This bias is the real problem between the US and 1.2 billion Muslims. Muslims began immigration to the US after the World War II, and are increasing in number and political power.

Try to help in establishing peace and justice by calling/e-mailing your House rep asking him/her to send monetors to establish peace and justice there. Try to express that if you e mail Presidnet Bush in his account