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Racial Profiling

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Racial Profiling

Ibrahim Greer

Wednesday, November 20, 2002 - 12:07 am
Profiling is common sense policing used to apprehend criminals every day. Since Muslims carried out the 9/11 attacks,we can expect to be scrutinized even closer.

However,harrassment, such as police pulling over a Muslim sister(w/hijab) who is driving to the store,in the middle of the day, on her way to buy groceries, in the middle of urban America, and has not committed any infraction, that is not effective policing. And could be consider Racial Profiling. She was stopped by police simply because of who she is,versus a reasonable suspicion that she may be committing a crime.

If the same sister is parked outside a government office building, near an entrance,waiting to pick someone up; based on current events I would understand if she were approached by police and questioned at length.

A great example of effective policing, is the brothers who were at a diner making comments on 9/11, and concerned an employee. She promply called the police,who in turn apprehended the brothers. Although not terrorists, they did run a toll booth(a crime)and did not have the correct license plates on the vehicle(another infraction). So, they were not gangsters, hoodlums nor al-Qaeda, but they fit the profile, and talked too provactively in public on a very sensitive topic.

The key is for the Muslims to understand the fears
of the American public. And, most importantly not over react to police and other authorities.
Allah willing, the Muslim community will prevail.

Mahmoud Mahgoub, Atlanta, GA

Tuesday, July 09, 2002 - 06:54 am
I think racial profiling against Muslims is one of the 9/11 consequences, but I think this shouldn't stay long. German, Japanese, Irish and many others were racially profiled after the World War II, and they came through that. I think some people still want the wound bleed by reminding the US of possible new attacks. Muslims should expose Islam and I think that should be enough to come through this.


Friday, June 28, 2002 - 04:57 pm
In today's world Muslims need to know how to protect themselves in a police encounter. Check out to learn how. Let me know what you think at or contact the site manager.