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Election 2004

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Election 2004

Ibrahim Greer

Friday, December 01, 2006 - 02:47 pm
Another election has come and gone and hope fills the air that critical issues will be addressed and resolved. Our president, our congress and judicial branches carry a tremedous burden,I pray that Allah(swt) will guide them to do what is just.

I also pray that Allah(swt) will guide the actions of the electorate and we will continue to promote the good and forbid the evil between ourselves and that we refuse to spread fear, hate and cynicism.

I believe most of us to include our brothers and sisters in this world are surrounded by extreme forces that are in the minority and yet want to rule the majority. It seems their holier than thou mentality comes from an inability or unwillingness to respect Allah's creation in all its spleandor and variation. Unless you are part of their movement du joir, one is somehow deficient and undesirable, not fit to live.
A type of fascism emerges and something very ugly and sinister is born. In other words we elevate ourselves to demi-god status over our brethren and ultimately find ourselves plunges into a nihilistic hell, where we lose all humanity, all compassion and sense of decency. This affects each of us, our pride, our arrogance,our sense of superiority a product of disobedience and disregard of Allah and his message to humanity. In the end there can only be one judge ,jury and executioner, that is ALLah(swt).We will be asked how we discharged our duties as stewards and vice regents of his creation.Forbid the evil and promote the good and let us all pray for guidence so that we may be just.

Ibrahim Greer

Wednesday, January 05, 2005 - 12:23 pm
Election 2004 has come and gone and if we have learned anything it is that there are two Americas. One is satisfied with being a lap dog or perhaps parrot to the status quo and the other too feable to exert the pressures needed to change the dangerous direction our nation is sailing. The freedom loving, Jack-booted conservative ramrods have cultivated an atmosphere
of totalinarism inwhich there is no room for dissent against current US policies at home or abroad. Even conservatives that can see the follie in current US Mid-East policies are either afraid to speak out or have already been castrated for speaking out.

The Liberal candidates have been marginalized because they failed to understand that although over half the US population is against military action in Iraq, they also are against same sex marriages and abortion. In addition, Liberal candidates offered no concrete solutions, which of course spells out: MORE OF THE SAME.

To date, there is no comprehensive security of US borders, there is no coherent plan for national healthcare, there is coherent plan for improving medicare and social security. Our politicians have been as stable as wind-socks blowing in every direction the political wind blows. MORE OF THE SAME.

As for the so called War on Terror, who has ever controlled the Middle East for long other than Arabs? Thats right! No one. The US may throw money around at Mid-East kings and heads of state but occupying their real estate becomes an entirely different issue. People around the world want freedom, but at their will, not the will of a foreign power.

Prayer and rememberance of Allah(swt) is greatest! And we must pray that Allah(swt) grants wisdom to our leaders where they have ignored guidence for so long.

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 - 09:16 am
Elections are around the corner and talk is cheap.
President Bush is riding the wave of War on Terror as a sure thing for re-election. A blind man can see that innocent people continue to pay the price for the continued support of the terrorist regime Israel and other bullies world wide. Bill MacGlaughlin, a popular political talk show host pointed this out this past weekend that terrorism will be cut in half worldwide simply by the US bringing closure to the illegal occupation in Palestine. Conservative pundits such as Pat Buchanan rebuffed the remark, not willing to admit the 50 years of a misguided American foreign policy in the Middle East. As you all may recall, this was a Bush campaign promise to finally end the madness of Israeli occupation.
Instead the Bush administration has shown no interest in resolving the issue, and have even supported the murder of a crippled old man in a wheel chair, Sheik Ahmad Yasin.This of course another Israeli attempt to fuel hatred and rage in the Palestinian people.

In the Democratic camp, Kerry waffles which ever direction political winds blow. He wants to talk tough about national defense and security but does not want to address the key to the last 50 yrs of terrorism against the Palestinians and subsequent terrorist activities against the West:

The key to peace in the Middle East and US and European safety and security begins in resolving the illegal occupation of Palestine. Iraq and Afghanistan are mere side shows to a larger unresolved problem. Contact your representatives in Congress and press this issue. And if you decide to vote in the presidential election ask yourself what these candidates have done to promote justice and the safety of countless innocent people worlwide.

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, March 09, 2004 - 12:58 pm
We are beginning to see the shakers and movers of the Republican and Democratic parties spin their webs of deceit to influence voters. Neither party can say it is morally superior to another. The Democratic party will not stand up for morality and oppose gay marriage, nor will the Republicans admit to their folly in the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and admit to the blatent lies told to the American people and the world community.
I encourage my Muslim brothers and sisters to consider the pontential harm they may do by voting for either party candidate. Defeating Bush is not the only objective as Muslims. We must hold the moral high ground and not sell ourselves out for the short term. Block voting backfired and we certainly can say that the Bush administration did not uphold promises made to the US Muslim community in 2000. Remember, Congress controls the country not the President. We may need to focus on our representatives first before putting hope in an individual who is typically a party figurehead only. It is important to participate in the process of self governance, but we must uphold Islam and Allah's (swt)injunction upon us to promote the good and forbid the evil.