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Response to RTD 7/12/04 Letter to Editor

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Response to RTD 7/12/04 Letter to Editor

Ibrahim Greer

Tuesday, July 20, 2004 - 12:20 pm
On Monday, July 12, 2004, Richmond Times Dispatch ran a Public Forum heading WAR REMAINS TOPIC NO.1

One Richmonder, MR. ALexander Yancey responded in a manner that has been cause for concern for some , although his response is not unusual. Mr.Yancey,like so many other well informed American citizens has missed the point on why our current situation exist in regards to terrorism.

Terrorism is not an Islamic virtue, and is forbidden by the Quran and the Sunnah. There are extreme elements in any ethnic or religous group that will defy common moral principles. We must not be hasty to tattoo and entire group based on the acts of individuals, that is indeed un-American.

Terrorism is a symptom of a greater disease and we must understand what disease brought about the symptoms. Our current problem with terrorism is a by-product of salutary neglect of the needy, oppressed and impoverished throughout the world. The West decries oppression and dictatorship yet opposes its own form of dictatorship by proxy in leaders such as Saddam Hussien. Once that regime is no longer useful to American interst it is replaced by a regime that is equally oppressive. This has happened in Afghanistan and throughout the Middle East,Asia and Central and South America for the last century.

Our foreign policies are not always the benevolent gestures they appear to be on the surface. For the last fifty years the US has been talking the talk of peace in regards to the rights of Palestians but has never forced Israel to stop the occupation and destruction of Palestinian lands,nor the oppression of its people. Arab Christians,Jews and Muslims have been oppressed by the Israeli government, yet the US govt gives more economic and military aid to Israel than to any other country. Is this for the love of Judaism? Of course not.

Palestians and many other ethnic groups around the world have the heard the false prophets of peace preaching democracy and freedom for the last century, but have become more enslaved and less free. If we are speaking specifically on Muslims world wide most live under oppressive regimes not because of Islam but inspite of Islam. They seek the freedom and liberties that are inherently Islamic and so American. The terrorism we witness is a symptom of what we have failed to do in regards to world peace and justice.

Freedom and Justice are the greatest of American exports, but unfortunately our cargo has not reached the masses of the world, much of the blame falls on us as a nation. Mr.Yancey has likened young Muslim women here in Richmond to the Hitler youth and in the same breath proposed eradicating Muslims and Islam in the world. Sounds familiar, like a play from Adolf Hitler's play book. Unfortunately, I have heard this same comment from co-workers to strangers on the street. No wonder the United States is becoming so isolated when we cannot practice the very tolerance that we preach.

Tariq Jangda

Wednesday, July 21, 2004 - 07:47 am
Public Forum: War Remains Topic No. 1
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Monday, July 12, 2004

Editor, Times-Dispatch: Letters disparaging President Bush and the nation's Iraq involvement
appear in these columns almost daily. My concern lies not with Bush but rather with the
psychological boosts given our terrorist enemies. Abraham Lincoln said, "A house divided against
itself cannot stand."
It is apparent that we are fighting a war unlike any before: There are no Midways, Omaha Beaches,
or Pork Chop Hills. Instead, we are fighting shadowy figures who attack at times and places of their
choosing. The only time we see them in "uniform" is when they are pictured menacing helpless,
soon-to-bebeheaded victims. As a further complication, the terrorists have stated that no political
solution is possible - it is a clash of cultures.
The writer of a recent letter lamented America's lack of patience. We do need patience - patience
with our military as new tactics are formulated to defeat the terrorists.
Without question, the first priority of any American President is to ensure the security of the
nation's citizens. As a former teacher I submit this quiz consisting of a single multiple-choice
America will be best protected by:
(a)President Bush
(b)President Kerry
(c)The UN
Choosing (b) is tantamount to choosing (c). Robert F. Lane. rockville. Editor, Times-Dispatch: It
seems current events validate the old idea that history not heeded will repeat itself. Or perhaps it's
just coincidence.
The terrorists are certainly motivated by the personal power that comes with membership in the
group. The "wise guys" in the Mafia and members of the Irish Republican Army have their personal
status removed if the group is eliminated. It was probably true of the Ninja and probably is true of
Islamist radicals.
Observe John Dean and Bob Woodward trying to regain the celebrity of the Nixon years by bringing
down another President. See John Kerry and the veterans-against-the-war-types again trying to
lose a war for political reasons. Observe Walter Cronkite. If we lose the war in Iraq, they regain
their prestige.
More important, those who do not value our sovereignty would be closer to their goal of
multinational government run by elite groups. The United Nations has demonstrated the
effectiveness of that method in enriching the elites and disenfranchising the common people they
claim to represent.
We have the power that we can use to get the type of government we want and deserve: the vote.
James R. Stanard. richmond. Editor, Times-Dispatch: How ironic that the day after yet another
American reportedly was beheaded in a Muslim country, you run a positive article about Islam and
its young adherents right here in Richmond ["Muslim Girls Teach Faith"]. That's like running an
article interviewing a member of the Hitler Youth or the Komsomol (the Communist Youth League)
about how much fun they had and how "misunderstood" they were.
There are no doubt some well-meaning Muslims. However, Islam is a cancer that is 1,350 years
overdue in being eradicated. The events of the past several months paint in vivid colors the reason
we need to destroy it.
The time is now.

Alexander G. Yancey. richmond.

Source: Richmond Times Dispatch