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Tsunami Relief

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Tsunami Relief

Ibrahim Greer

Wednesday, January 05, 2005 - 10:39 am
As the tsumami tragedy unfolds relief organizations are finding they are poorly equipped to handle the disaster. They are numerous aid groups one can make cash contributions to, most are listed on US Govt websites.

Unfortunately the governments with the most cash to contribute have their money tied up killing human beings instead of saving them. So, it is really up to us the citizens to lend a hand to those in need.

As Muslims we must do all that we can for the sake of Allah(swt) to assist our fellow human beings Muslim and non-muslim alike.
Rasool Allah (pbuh)showed great mercy upon all of Allah's (swt) creation. We all familiar with the hadith relating Rasool Allah's (pbuh)showing great kindness to those that persecuted him, and in many cases resulted in those people embracing the haq of Allah (swt).

I saw a bumper sticker after Friday prayer that said "Love is Allah's signature on creation."
Rasool Allah (pbuh)was the haq in the flesh, in heart and in deed. And as believers we should embrace the truth and path of Allah's (swt)love and mercy. Pray for the those that have died and those that have lost their homes and loved ones and contribute in any way you can.