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Call to Islam

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Call to Islam

Ibrahim Greer

Monday, March 14, 2005 - 11:49 am
In the early years of Islam, callers to the faith spanned the globe calling people to God's truth.
Despite the inactivity of this Ummah in regards to dawa today, people are coming to Islam in droves, by the hundreds and thousands. The largest conversion rates occuring in Europe and North America.

This is clear proof that light distinguishes itself darkeness and truth dinstinguishes itself from lies.

Despite all the efforts of governmental and private organizations to discredit Muslims and Islam, the coversion rate is beyond imagination.
All of this in spite of our lack of work.
Subhana Allah!

New re-verts are in the vanguard! With a passion they embrace Islam and practice the religion and in many cases strive to become hafiz and a'lam, and they are active in calling others to the faith.
Alhamdo Lillah!

In the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11 more and more non-muslims want to understand our faith. They are hungry for knowledge, they thirst for spirituality and hope. Who are we to not help them in their quest? What a beautiful gift to all humanity we have in Islam.

Do you want your dear neighbors, co-workers, friends and aquaintences to be cast into the hell fire for an eternity? Ask yourself, WHY HAS ALLAH(swt)BROUGHT ME TO THIS LAND? WHAT IS MY PURPOSE HERE? WHERE IS THE PEACE AND MERCY?

The answer is that ALLah (SWT) has brought each of us here to declare his HAQ (his truth) to the people. The only peace and mercy is with ALLAH (swt) for those that follow his beloved Messenger(pbuh). Don't be afraid to talk openly about your faith and share your faith with others. There is no special training needed, speak the truth from your heart, Allah(swt) will guide your speech.
Give the message to those above you and to those below you. Today our community leaders need dawa more than ever, our young people need dawa, our military and law enforcement communities need dawa. They don't understand because no one seems to want to tell them. They only learn what they have been spoon fed by the media, its like eating cereal without the Milk, bland and dry as the desert. The beauty of Islam escapes them because
the spiritual milk is missing and only the Ummah can provider that spiritual context by their living example of Islam.

Allah(swt) has sent us as a mercy to the non-muslims. To give the message is our true mission here. Lets get to work!