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ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Terrorism

Ibrahim Greer

Monday, April 25, 2005 - 11:57 am
Throughout the world there is great oppression and suffering. We must turn to Allah(swt) in prayer and rememberance. Why should we lower ourselves to the level of the oppressors who kill innocents indescrimantly? We must not.

Every human has the right to defend their home and country, and the right to demand freedom, and equality as dictated by Allah (swt) and his Messenger(pbuh). Yet we must obstain from harming innocent people. If anyone knows that someone is going to do something evil we have the responsibility to stop these actions. We are Muslims and must live by the Quran and Sunnah.
May Allah(swt) help our legitamite Mujahadeen that need his help and wreck the plans who merely
make mischief falsely in his name.

Muslims want desperately to correct their situations around the world, we must pray that Allah(swt) gives us strength and courage to do what is right. Terrorism is an evil. To prevent it we must turn to Allah(swt) with a repentful heart and seek his mercy and guide us to great patience in the matters of this world.