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Presidential candidates

ISGR Discussion Forum: Muslims in the West: Presidential candidates

Ibrahim Greer

Wednesday, February 14, 2007 - 09:23 am
If your looking for an alternative to the Neo-conservative movement that has brought so much despair and destruction to millions, think twice if you believe the Democrats are any better.
Specifically Senator Hillary Clinton spoke to an AIPAC gathering and advised all options are on the table concerning Iran. So, what does that mean? More saber rattling? Pehaps expansion of the war in thhe Mid-East? Senator Barack Obama has even stated he is considering signing off on an increase in the Pentagon's budget? Perhaps Ross Perot was dead on when he said "there isn't a nickels difference between the republicans and the democrats." As responsible Americans we must
bring democracy to bear against the rising fascist tide. At this point congress is the pressure point and we must press our congressmen and congresswomen to move to resolve the insanity the Republicans and willing Democrats led us into, the Iraq War.