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Fatwa on Eid-ul-Adha
Shiakh Al-Uthaimeen


Saudi Alim Asks Muslims in N. America NOT to pray Eid on Day after Arafah

Saudi Alim: Shiakh Mohammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaimeen

(Famous Saudi Alim and Faqih, Shiakh Mohammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaimeen tells Muslims about the correct date of Eid al-Adha in N. America to be on 10th Zul-Hijja of North America, and not the day-after Arafah in Makkah, as the ISNA and others claim.)

From: Abdulrahman bin Abdallah Al-khalidy (Ithaca, NY)

Al Hamdulillah wa salatu wa salamu ala rasulillah,

I was troubled when I read the e-mails regarding the discrepancies in deciding the first day of Dhil-Hijjah which would mean that we will have to accommodate two separate dates for the Day of Arafah and the Eid. I called Sheikh Mohammad bin Uthaymeen and asked him about this particular situation and his position has relieved me; wal Hamdulillah.


Q: Should we abide by the local sighting in determining the Eid-al-Adha or should we follow the pilgrims' schedule, knowing that North America sighting of crescent may come a day before Saudi Arabia's sighting?

A: "You should abide by the city you're living in."

Q: This means that we will fast the 9th of Zul-Hijja of North America and pray Eid on 10th Zul-Hijja of North America!

A: "Yes, and this is what you should do without any (Haraj) or mental anxiety."

Any questions regarding this conversation? Contact Omar Afzal

Wish you good luck in fulfilling the Ibadah, fasting on the 9th Zul-hijja based on your area moonsighting and celebrating Eid-al-Adha on 10th Zul-hijja. Those who do it this way, they would have followed the Sunnah of the Prophet. May Allah bless you all.

Wal Hamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.




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